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Read the Bible for a Year

Join the Crossroads community in a thematic Bible reading plan. Beginning January 6, we will spend the year reading the redemptive storyline of the Bible together. We will not hit all of the chapters and we will not go in order. Instead, we will follow threads and themes of God’s story through both the Old and New Testament.

Download a copy of our reading plan to the right or pick up a printed copy at our next weekend gathering.

We have also set up a Discord Chat for us to learn and discuss each week’s reading in community! Ask a question, make a comment, or start a conversation. Do not be intimidated!

Here are some simple steps:

  • Click the button below
  • Download Discord
  • Create a username
  • Click on the Crossroads Logo
  • Select the week of our current readings
  • Join the conversation!
Discord Chat

(This link will expire! If it does not work for you, please email Quinn for a new invite code.)


Bible Reading Plan


Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM