Due to road closings, our 8:45am gathering on Sept 15 is cancelled! Please join us at 5pm on Sept 14, or at 10:45am on Sept 15.
Due to road closings, our 8:45AM gathering on September 15 is cancelled!
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The Community Care team at Crossroads exists to serve the many diverse needs of our church body—whether those needs are directly filled through church leadership or met through connecting our church family with one another.

We encourage you to get to know our area and pray about how we together can be a church family. This may mean finding the courage to approach us with a need or reaching out because you would like to serve.

Are You in Need?

Financial or Physical

Do you need financial assistance? Help around the house or with your car? Do you need transportation? Please reach out to care@crossroads-bible.org to have your request considered.

Freely Give Facebook Group

Freely Give is our Facebook group where members can freely give and receive goods and services for free. This group is a private group so it offers a safe place for people to share their needs or offer their goods and services to those in our community.


Have you had a new baby or recent adoption? Are you journeying with a health issue? Has a family member just passed away? Would a couple meals help you at this time? Fill out this form or email food@crossroads-bible.org so we can set up some meal support for you.

Emotional or Relational

Are you walking through grief or loss? Is your marriage struggling? Are you navigating depression or anxiety? Do you need a listening ear? Please email care@crossroads-bible.org to meet with someone on staff and discuss next steps for support and direction.

Adoptive and Foster Family Support

Have you opened your home and your heart to adoption or foster care? Do you need support through the joy and difficulty of that journey? Please reach out to  orphancare@crossroads-bible.org.


Are you in a season where you need specific prayer? We can send your request out to our prayer list. Please email prayer@crossroads-bible.org. If you would like to have prayer with our Elders, you can request prayer time with them by emailing care@crossroads-bible.org.

Funerals, Weddings, or Child Dedication

If you are in need of a pastor to lead a funeral, wedding, or child dedication, please call the church office at (616) 301-2904 or email care@crossroads-bible.org.

Would You Like to Help?

The church staff and leadership is here to help those in need. It’s our joy and privilege to come alongside people in tough spaces. And yet Crossroads values the “Priesthood of believers”—meaning, we see all of our people as capable through Christ and His Spirit to bring peace into the chaos and to care for the brokenhearted. Please consider ways that you can partner with the Community Care team to love and serve your brothers and sisters at Crossroads.


Would you be committed to praying for those in need? You can sign up to receive the prayer email or you can join the Sunday morning prayer team. Please email care@crossroads-bible.org if you are interested.

Care Team

Do you have a heart to walk with those in your church family that may be experiencing emotional, relational, or spiritual struggle? We would love to set up a meeting to talk. Please send an email to care@crossroads-bible.org.


When an individual or family is experiencing extenuating stress or grief, thinking about a meal feels overwhelming. If you would like to support your church family by providing meals, please send an email to food@crossroads-bible.org.

Adoptive and Foster Family Support

Has God given you a heart for the orphan and you would like to support families in our midst that have adopted or are fostering children? There are many ways to invest. Please reach out to  orphancare@crossroads-bible.org.

Marriage Mentoring

Has God worked through your marriage and now you desire to walk with couples who are just starting or need some added support? We would love to hear more about your journey. Please email marriage@crossroads-bible.org.

Financial Mentoring

Do you have a passion to teach financial principles that align with God or journey with those who need some assistance? We would love to meet you. Please email care@crossroads-bible.org.

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM