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Crossroads Worship Team

RJ Alicea

Worship Pastor

Quinn Humphrey

Worship & Tech Partner

Beth Wozniak

Hospitality Coordinator

Our Mission

We desire to shape an environment that creates space and opportunities for individuals and communities to wholeheartedly seek the Lord through learning and practicing spiritual disciplines. Wholeheartedness involves choosing to be “all in” to follow Jesus’ example of picking up our crosses daily and loving Him with our whole selves in all things.

We value our large gatherings as a means to exalt Christ and get His heart through prayer and studying His Word for the purpose of being sent out into our little corners of the world. However, we do not want to overvalue the large gathering of the church because we believe that the church is also expressed beautifully in the small. For this reason, we will push worship from platforms to people, from stages to tables, and from personalities to the royal priesthood of all partners, those linking arms with us. We do not simply attend church, we are the Church who gather and grow together.

Lastly, worship and work come from the same Hebrew word. For this reason, we see our occupations and jobs as a pursuit of God. When we work, we are representing God and imitating His characteristics.

Connecting Opportunities

Gathering Hospitality Team

This team brings together a lot of the little details that make our Sunday mornings happen! Please reach out to Beth Wozniak with any questions.

  • Brew Crew – Provide coffee and cookies for our church family at each morning service.
  • Welcome Team – Offer a warm welcome through door greeting, ushering, and serving at the Connections Center.
  • Offering – Help steward the tithes of the congregation through the collection and counting of weekly offerings.
  • Gathering Setup – From helping to set up with communion, to filling our mikveh bowls, this is an easy way to plug in and serve!

Worship Team

We periodically hold auditions to join our Sunday worship team. If you are interested in being a part of the Sunday worship or tech team, we’d love to connect with you!


Make Breakfast for the Worship Team

We are in need of volunteers to provide breakfast for our worship team each Sunday morning. Breakfast feeds 10–15 people and can be supplemented with store-bought bagels/pastries. Learn more and sign up below.



Every week, we get together to break down the past week’s sermon, make corrections to mistakes we’ve made, and hype each other up with gospel hope and stories of transformation from our church. You can listen to the Locker Room podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or here on our website!


Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM