Thank you for continuing to be generous in your giving!
It was amazing to see how much our body supported our Neighbor Care Fund through year end giving last year. Over the last twelve months, we have used that fund to support partner organizations within our city that are directly impacting those on the edge of or experiencing homelessness, as well as the individuals and families that come through the Crossroads doors through Family Promise or our Tuesday Resource Center, looking for assistance.
We are very excited to share with you the initiatives for this Year End Giving, to support those that are growing the Kingdom of God through church planting.
As students enter the academic confines of Oxford, England they join the ranks of elite scholars in the capital of secularism, segregated from any religious influence. But as former Crossroads Pastor, Dr. Neil Martin shared with us earlier this month, the gospel of Jesus Christ is now being boldly proclaimed from a new church in the center of Oxford, and Neil is seeing lives being transformed by Christ’s love.
Europe was once the primary source of missionaries being sent out to the unreached world, today it has become a mission field. Recently Øivind Augland, the founder of M4 Europe, told us at a Sunday gathering that a great change is happening. Churches are currently being planted in sixteen European nations – including war-torn Ukraine where our pastor, Rod VanSolkema, recently visited and encouraged these new churches. Our partner, M4 Europe, has a vision to see a church planted every day on the continent of Europe.
Here in Grand Rapids, Crossroads Bible Church stands as a biblical community where Jesus Christ transforms lives, renews the city and the nations. We are uniquely placed in the city, for the city. We see ourselves as a small piece of the body of Christ, both in Grand Rapids and in the world. And that’s why we create strategic partnerships with like-minded churches and global ministry organizations.
Crossroads started as a church plant, and we long to see more vibrant churches planted and nurtured, both here in West Michigan and throughout the world. That is why we’re directing our year-end giving to M4 Europe’s church-planting work in Ukraine and to equipping Oxford Pres in England. In addition, we’ll be strengthening our partnership with local church plants. As we celebrate the birth of Christ and come to the close of 2023, we ask you to prayerfully consider designating your year-end giving to help grow churches in these key locations.
We know that not everyone is able to financially give at this year’s end, and we’d love for you to consider that money is not the only way to support the church planting initiative. You could commit to praying for them or using your time to check out their organization. Please contact us directly or look at their websites for ways to get involved.
If you would like to financially support these initiatives, please either write a check to Crossroads Bible Church and put “Year End Giving” in the memo line, and then you can drop the check in the giving boxes or mail it to our office. If you prefer to give online, use our website and click “Give”. Select a one-time gift and “Year End Giving” from the drop-down list.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Matt Stowell, our Associate Pastor, or to Joe Sindorf or Jeremiah Weismann, our Global and Local Missions Pastors.
Thank you for your generosity,
Crossroads’ Missions Team