God designed humans to be relational and interdependent on one another. For this reason, community is a main value that shapes Crossroads. Coming together as one body on Sundays is an important expression of church. However, we believe a smaller biblical community is just as essential to our personal growth in Jesus Christ. We encourage everyone to be involved in at least one smaller community—whether that’s participating in a house church, serving on a team, or getting involved in a specific ministry.

Community Groups
Our Community Groups team exists to support our general smaller expressions of community such as Family Meals, Short Circles, and House Church. Family Meals and Short Circles are short-term opportunities to connect with others in our church body while House Churches build community through longer-term commitment.

Community is often found in our age, life stage, or gender-specific ministries. Each of these ministries are shaped around our values of community, mission, and worship and aim to provide space for individuals or couples to find belonging and encouragement.

Serving on a Sunday morning can often be a great step to finding community and feeling a part of the whole. We have various opportunities from serving coffee to caring for our children. Many have found a belonging directly connected to their willingness to serve. We encourage you to check out the opportunities and pray about getting involved.

Care & Support
A true community bears each other’s burdens. Crossroads’ staff offers support through various forms and also exists to connect our people to help one another. If you are in need, we encourage you to check out the ways we can support you. If you have a heart that desires to come alongside others in need, please check out ways you can get involved.