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Adopt & Foster Team

Jamie Bartlett

Adoption & Foster Care Director

Jean Ballance

Administrative Partner

Connect With Us

Our Mission

Our ministry exists to educate, encourage, and support families as they consider and pursue international or domestic adoption and foster care. While our desire is for biological families to stay together, we recognize that is not always possible, so our ministry’s goal is to support the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of families that have welcomed children into their homes. We advocate for the fatherless, bring awareness to the Church and take action for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Connecting Opportunities


Our gatherings are intended as a time of training, equipping, and connecting for parents or caregivers of kids from hard places. We share a meal together, fellowship, and learn from speakers who have understandings of trauma, and share how the gospel brings healing and redemption into hard places.



Join us in our family advocacy ministry to make a tangible difference in the lives of children impacted by the foster care system, foster and adoptive families in our community and church, unhoused families, and refugee families. Together, we provide vital wraparound care, help meet practical needs, and offer the relational support our neighbors need to thrive. Your involvement (there are MANY ways to be involved) can bring hope and healing to those in our community who need it most.


Small Groups

A variety of different bible and book studies and men’s and women’s groups are offered. Please contact us for more information.



This Fall, we’d love for you to join us for the Replanted Conference. We will be viewing the conference’s simulcast in partnership with Calvary Church in November.

Learn More

Upcoming Adopt & Foster Events

Acts2Impact Theology of the Body Workshop

Crossroads Upper Room 800 Scribner Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Acts 2 Impact is offering a workshop for participants leading, working, and parenting in the foster care, adoption and vulnerable child ministry space, who hold a traditional biblical view of...

All Adopt & Foster Events

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM