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Men’s Team

Matt Kenney

Men’s Pastor

Judy Black

Administrative Partner

Connect With Us

Our Mission

Our desire is for every guy to walk through seasons of transformative growth that enable them to live their lives with impact and bring hope and healing to others. Our hope is that men will engage in discipling relationships as they explore God’s story, engage in their own story, and begin to understand how God uniquely designed them to bless the world as fathers, husbands, co-workers, and friends.

Connecting Opportunities

Men’s Groups and Bible Studies

Groups of guys meet throughout the week to talk about faith, study the Bible, and apply what they are learning to everyday life. Various groups cover themes around faith at work, spiritual practices and rhythms, and understanding the fundamentals of faith. The journey of spiritual formation cannot be done without the support and encouragement of others.

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Fireside Gatherings

Twice a month, we gather around the fire for meaningful conversations about faith and living out the way of Jesus. We usually start with a story, toss out a question or theme, and let conversation unfold. Time is spent in prayer to support, encourage, and strengthen one another. It’s a great, relaxed environment to connect and grow with a great group of guys.

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Sometimes we need to get out of the matrix, clear the white noise, and get away. We need experiences that give us a shot-in-the-arm, both spiritually and relationally; as we join in stories, adventures, and moments of brotherhood with other men. When we retreat, focus our attention on God, and take care of our souls, we often feel more connected with God and his story for our lives. Multiple retreats for Crossroads guys of all ages happen at various times during the year.

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Healing & Supportive Communities

Each man weathers the hard knocks of life a little differently. But at the end of the day, we all struggle, and we all feel a degree of loneliness. The Bible shows us that struggles are a part of life; however, no one needs to struggle alone. Whether you are wrestling through addiction, failure, grief, or some other aspect of life, there is help and healing as you journey alongside others.

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Upcoming Men's Events

Men’s | Avenue Group

Crossroads Bible Church 800 Scribner NW, Grand Rapids, United States

Relationship struggles and sexual brokenness can make you feel ashamed, trapped, and alone. For over 20 years, Avenue has helped people restore their lives and relationships. Get into this private...

Event Series GriefShare


Crossroads Cave 800 Scribner NW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

No matter the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn valuable information on facing...


Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM