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Latest Series: God With Us

12.18.22 | Advent Week 4

Rod VanSolkema

Date: December 18, 2022

Category: Message

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 38:48 - 88.8MB)

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Sermon Application Questions

Read Luke 2: 1-20
How is the pursuit of happiness different from the pursuit of the Gospel?

Shepherds were seen as outsiders: their testimony did not count in court, and they were considered unclean. Why do the angels announce to shepherds about the birth of Jesus instead of someone else?
Who would be the equivalent of a shepherd in our world today?

How has and is humanity at war with God? (Romans 7)

Christmas is about God coming to us to make peace. The main problem with our hearts is our enmity with God. What does it mean to be a Christian in light of this?

How can we ponder these things and treasure them in our hearts?

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM