Family Celebrations
One of our three core values at Crossroads is community. As a true community, we are on the lookout to find ways to support one another and celebrate what God is doing in and through our lives. Traditionally, we often lend support in these four main life milestone: Child dedications, baptisms, weddings, and funerals.
Child Dedications
We want to celebrate and support the growing families in our community. We do this in various ways, one of which, is child dedication. Typically, the family will coordinate a private event with a similar feel of a birthday party. This event would involve a special time with the family where the parents will articulate their heart for raising their child followed by a time of prayer with family and friends. There are several different ways that this celebration can take shape and may involve having a pastor present.
We are always excited to see when the Lord stirs in someone’s heart a desire to make a public profession of faith. These milestone moments can be done within a Sunday morning Gathering or privately with intimate friends and family. If possible, we encourage each person to consider a mentor or close relative to assist them in the baptism to ensure lifelong accountability and depth or relationship. If this is not an option one of our pastors is more than happy to assist.
Weddings are one of our favorite celebrations at Crossroads. Marriage was God’s idea. Our hope is to provide ample and thorough support for a couple as they prepare for this lifelong journey of blending two lives into one. We offer pre-marital mentoring and pastoral officiating on your wedding day to those who call Crossroads home.
Sadly, this is an unavoidable reality. As we are community to one another, we have the opportunity to cultivate rich and deep relationships with one another, and there is no greater honor than to serve someone as they pass from this age to the next. If you need assistance with planning an end-of-life celebration, please email us or call the church offices at (616) 301-2904.