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Latest Series: Contending for the Faith

06.18.23 | Jude 17-23

Tryg Veker

Date: June 18, 2023

Category: Message

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Sermon Application Questions

The main question from the text was, "How do we contend for our faith?"
Tryg mentioned that this question is answered by looking at 3 categories:

1) Remember (vs 17-20) - That Jesus and the apostles are not surprised about the sinful desires (Greek - epithumia) or mega desires of our times. How do you remember that Jesus is still sovereign and sitting on His throne?

2) Remain: (vs 21) "Keep yourselves in the Love of God."
Tryg mentioned several ways that we can keep ourselves in the love of God and therefore replace our mega desires (epithumia) with the love of God.

  • Build up the church - a main way of doing this is to build up your brothers and sisters in Christ at Crossroads. In what ways are you doing this?
  • Praying in the Holy Spirit - given that Holy Spirit led prayer focuses on communion with God, are you making time for prayer? What is your plan this week to make this a priority and making space to be with God?

3) Rescue: ( vs 22-23) there are 2 categories of rescuing

  • Those who doubt - how can you encourage a brother or sister in Christ in their faith walk?
  • Those who are not followers of Jesus and as the text says need "snatched them from the fire?" How are you sharing the gospel with those who need Jesus as their Lord and Savior that will offer offer eternal life by having a relationship with Jesus and save them from eternal death? We can all start by praying for those who are not followers of Jesus yet.

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM