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Latest Series: Vices & Virtues

8.22.21 | Pride & Humility

Steve VanPoolen

Date: August 22, 2021

Category: Message

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 53:47 - 123.1MB)

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Sermon Application Questions

Steve defined pride as "believing in self so that I know what is best for me". Why would this be a vice? (sinful) Please give an example from your own life or the lives of others.

Steve defined humility as "adoption, submission, and commitment to God's way". How is this a virtue the opposite of pride? Who have your seen that is humble and what did it look like. What would your life look like if you lived in godly humility?

Read and meditate on 1 Peter. Look for Steve's themes of:

  • be alert and sober minded
  • love each other
  • know how to suffer well
  • living as foreigners
  • living free

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM