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Event Series Sunday Morning Prayer

Sunday Morning Prayer

Crossroads Conference Room 800 Scribner Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Each Sunday morning, before our worship gatherings, we gather to pray for our church, our city, and the global church. We invite you to join us as we humbly seek...

Event Series Crossroads U

Crossroads U | Paul’s Life, Letters, & Legacy

Crossroads Upper Room North 800 Scribner Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

In this three-week class, Dr. Jeffrey Weima, Professor of New Testament at Calvin Theological Seminary, will guide participants through an in-depth exploration of the New Testament Epistles, with a special...

Event Series Sunday Gatherings

Sunday Gatherings

Crossroads Bible Church 800 Scribner NW, Grand Rapids, United States

We gather each Sunday at 8:45 & 10:45am in our building at 800 Scribner for worship, time in the Word, and fellowship with the rest of our Crossroads family, as...

Event Series House Church Orientation

House Church Orientation

Crossroads Upper Room 800 Scribner Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

If you are interested in learning more about house churches at Crossroads, we would love to have you join us for an orientation where we can meet you and start...

Event Series Students | Small Groups

Students | Small Groups

Crossroads Bible Church 800 Scribner NW, Grand Rapids, United States

At Outpost, our small groups are where deep connections and impactful discipleship happen. Meeting twice a month, these groups are divided by grade and gender to foster a comfortable environment...

Event Series GriefShare


Crossroads Cave 800 Scribner NW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

No matter the cause of your loved one’s death, this is an opportunity to be around people who understand what you are feeling. You will learn valuable information on facing...

Event Series On Mission | FCA Luncheon

On Mission | FCA Luncheon

Crossroads Upper Room 800 Scribner Ave NW, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Fellowship of Christian Athletes hosts a luncheon on the last Wednesday of the month that you are welcome to join. Please contact Bruce Oosterhouse with questions before attending.

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM