Explore Sermons
- 06.04.23 | Jude 1-4
- 06.11.23 | Jude 5-16
- 06.18.23 | Jude 17-23
- 06.25.23 | Jude 24-25
- 07.02.23 | James 1: 1-18
- 07.09.23 | James 1: 19-27
- 07.16.23 | James 2: 1-13
- 07.23.23 | James 2: 14-26
- 07.30.23 | James 3: 1-12
- 08.06.23 | James 3:13-18
- 08.13.23 | James 4:1-12
- 08.20.23 | James 4:13-17
- 08.27.23 | James 5:1-12
- 09.03.23 | James 5:13-20
Latest Series: Contending for the Faith
06.04.23 | Jude 1-4
Rod VanSolkema
Date: June 4, 2023
Category: Message
Sermon Application
Jude 1:1-4
Jude was the brother of Jesus. Why in his letter would he choose to identify as a slave of Christ instead of the brother of Christ?
There's a threat Jude mentions in verse 4, what is it? Who is it?
What is more of a danger to the Church? Is it from internal or external threats?
What does it look like for you to contend for the Faith this week at home, work, and with your street corner?