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- 6.5.22 | Proverbs 31
- 6.12.22 | Prayer (Matthew 6:5-13)
- 6.19.22 | The Word (Psalm 1)
- 06.26.22 | Whose Faith Is It? (2 Chronicles 24)
- 7.3.22 | Solitude & Silence (Psalm 19)
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- 7.17.22 | Colossians 3
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- 9.11.22 | Vision Sunday
Latest Series: Discipleship Practices
9.11.22 | Vision Sunday
Rod VanSolkema
Date: September 11, 2022
Category: Message
Sermon Application Questions
Who are we as Christians? (Priests, God's treasured possession)
A priest represents God. Who will you be representing God to this week, and how?
When was a time you were accused of being wrong about what you believed?
We are Christians are citizens of the Nation of God. Because we are foreigners of this world, what ways do Christians live counter-culturally to our world today?
What is your most treasured worldly possession? What would it look like to give that possession to God?
We are God's most treasured possession.