Explore Sermons
- 6.7.20 | Acts 2
- 6.14.20 | 1 Samuel 16:13
- 6.21.20 | Exodus 25
- 6.28.20 | Colossians 1:9–13
- 7.5.20 | 2 Corinthians 3:10
- 7.12.20 | Galatians 4:6-7
- 7.19.20 | Romans 8
- 7.26.20 | Ephesians 1
- 8.2.20 | 2 Timothy 1
- 8.9.20 | 1 Kings 17
- 8.16.20 | Hebrews 4:12
- 8.23.20 | 1 Corinthians 12
- Holy Spirit Q&A
- 8.30.20 | 1 Peter 2:1-10
- 9.6.20 | 1 Peter 2:9-21
Latest Series: The Holy Spirit

8.16.20 | Hebrews 4:12
Tim Bassett
Sermon Application Questions
Describe your season of life right now (what's challenging, what's weighing you down, whats causing you to doubt, fear, or drift from God). What temptations, or lies are you tempted to believe right now?
Were you able to name a passage of scripture that speaks against that lie? Share with your group. If not, when was the last time God's word came to life and pierced your heart? What did that experience in your life do?
What does the reality that the sword isn't yours, but the Holy Spirit's sword, do to your approach to scripture?
Disobedience is when we stop resting on God's word, we plug our ears, and refuse to listen to Him in a given area of our lives. Do you sense any level of disobedience or hardness of heart in your life? If so, what could be causing that hardness in you?
What areas of your life are you longing for Jesus to bring rest to the most right now? Take time to pray and ask Him to do it. Spend time alone in his word this afternoon asking the Spirit to cut through all the unrest and chaos in your heart and provide that rest for you by reminding you of all that Jesus said. Jesus can empathize, and he wants to help you in your time of need.