Explore Sermons
- 9.13.20 | John 7:1-24
- 9.20.20 | John 7:25-44
- 9.27.20 | Justice Weekend
- 10.4.20 | John 8:12-58
- 10.11.20 | John 7:45 - 8:11
- 10.18.20 | John 9
- 10.25.20 | John 6&10
- 11.1.20 | John 10:22-42
- 11.8.20 | John 11:1-44
- 11.15.20 | John 12:1-18
- 11.22.20 | John 11:45-57
- 11.29.20 | John 12:12-19
- 12.6.20 | John 12:20-36
- 12.13.20 | John 12:37-50
- 12.20.20 | John 13
- 1.3.21 | John 14:1-7
- 1.10.21 | John 14:8-31
- 1.17.21 | John 15:1-7
- 1.24.21 | John 15:18-27
- 1.31.21 | John 16:1-15
- 2.7.21 | John 16:16-33
- 2.14.21 | John 17:1-5
- 2.21.21 | John 17:6-26
- 2.28.21 | John 18:1-14
- 3.7.21 | John 18:15-18 & 25-27
- 3.14.21 | John 18:19-24
- 3.21.21 | John 18:28-40
- 3.28.21 | John 19
- 4.4.21 | Easter
- 4.11.21 | John 20:11-18
- 4.18.21 | John 21:15-25
Latest Series: John Pt. 2

11.1.20 | John 10:22-42
Daniel (DanMike) Thompson
Date: November 1, 2020
Category: Message
Sermon Application Questions
Read John 10.
If Jesus is “the Gate,” how does that change the way you treat other people?
What are some challenges Americans have with allowing Jesus to lead our lives as a Shepherd King?
If someone asked you, “did Jesus ever claim to be God?” what about the claims in this chapter would help them see that?
Of the three claims Jesus made of Himself in John 10, (The Gate, The Shepherd, & One with God) which do you struggle with believing the most?