Explore Sermons
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- 9.20.20 | John 7:25-44
- 9.27.20 | Justice Weekend
- 10.4.20 | John 8:12-58
- 10.11.20 | John 7:45 - 8:11
- 10.18.20 | John 9
- 10.25.20 | John 6&10
- 11.1.20 | John 10:22-42
- 11.8.20 | John 11:1-44
- 11.15.20 | John 12:1-18
- 11.22.20 | John 11:45-57
- 11.29.20 | John 12:12-19
- 12.6.20 | John 12:20-36
- 12.13.20 | John 12:37-50
- 12.20.20 | John 13
- 1.3.21 | John 14:1-7
- 1.10.21 | John 14:8-31
- 1.17.21 | John 15:1-7
- 1.24.21 | John 15:18-27
- 1.31.21 | John 16:1-15
- 2.7.21 | John 16:16-33
- 2.14.21 | John 17:1-5
- 2.21.21 | John 17:6-26
- 2.28.21 | John 18:1-14
- 3.7.21 | John 18:15-18 & 25-27
- 3.14.21 | John 18:19-24
- 3.21.21 | John 18:28-40
- 3.28.21 | John 19
- 4.4.21 | Easter
- 4.11.21 | John 20:11-18
- 4.18.21 | John 21:15-25
Latest Series: John Pt. 2

11.29.20 | John 12:12-19
Brian Robinson
Sermon Application Questions
Read John 12:12-19
What kind of king did the great crowd of people want Jesus to be?
Are you confident that you haven't turned Jesus into a king of your own making? Can you identify with this deception and understand how the implications can be disastrous? Can you recall a season in your life when you took Jesus by force and turned him into the kind of king you wanted him to be?
According to Zechariah 9:9, what kind of king is Jesus? Consider and discuss.
Do you agree with Dr. Martin Luther King's description of justice (i.e., justice is love correcting that which revolts against love) as it relates to the Christian response to injustice in our world? With this description in mind, are you working against injustice in any specific ways right now?
Brian talked about humility in the sense that God chose the things that "are not." Do you resonate with this idea for yourself, or do you resist it?
Brian suggested that the expectations of the great crowd—and ultimately our own expectations—for what kind of king Jesus would be were not too high, but too low. Whom did God send the King of Kings to defeat?
What does a victorious life look like for a citizen of the kingdom? As a citizen of the kingdom, is your life reflective of the king?
What was the "secret" about the Triumphal Entry that Brian let us in on?