Explore Sermons
- 9.13.20 | John 7:1-24
- 9.20.20 | John 7:25-44
- 9.27.20 | Justice Weekend
- 10.4.20 | John 8:12-58
- 10.11.20 | John 7:45 - 8:11
- 10.18.20 | John 9
- 10.25.20 | John 6&10
- 11.1.20 | John 10:22-42
- 11.8.20 | John 11:1-44
- 11.15.20 | John 12:1-18
- 11.22.20 | John 11:45-57
- 11.29.20 | John 12:12-19
- 12.6.20 | John 12:20-36
- 12.13.20 | John 12:37-50
- 12.20.20 | John 13
- 1.3.21 | John 14:1-7
- 1.10.21 | John 14:8-31
- 1.17.21 | John 15:1-7
- 1.24.21 | John 15:18-27
- 1.31.21 | John 16:1-15
- 2.7.21 | John 16:16-33
- 2.14.21 | John 17:1-5
- 2.21.21 | John 17:6-26
- 2.28.21 | John 18:1-14
- 3.7.21 | John 18:15-18 & 25-27
- 3.14.21 | John 18:19-24
- 3.21.21 | John 18:28-40
- 3.28.21 | John 19
- 4.4.21 | Easter
- 4.11.21 | John 20:11-18
- 4.18.21 | John 21:15-25
Latest Series: John Pt. 2

4.18.21 | John 21:15-25
Rod VanSolkema
Sermon Application Questions
Jesus’ disciples in a boat: In terms of what, where, who... How is this a picture of the church?
When it says that Peter, Andrew and John dropped their nets to follow Christ, why is this significant? What does it mean? What are your nets? Have you dropped them?
What two scenes does Jesus recreate for Peter (the haul of fish precipitated the 1st time Peter met Jesus and heard His Call. The charcoal fire recreates the scene of Peter’s denial)
Why is Jesus recreating these scenes? Why does Jesus ask Peter, "Do you love Me more than these?"
Do you love Jesus more than these? What do you need to repent of?