Explore Sermons
- 9.13.20 | John 7:1-24
- 9.20.20 | John 7:25-44
- 9.27.20 | Justice Weekend
- 10.4.20 | John 8:12-58
- 10.11.20 | John 7:45 - 8:11
- 10.18.20 | John 9
- 10.25.20 | John 6&10
- 11.1.20 | John 10:22-42
- 11.8.20 | John 11:1-44
- 11.15.20 | John 12:1-18
- 11.22.20 | John 11:45-57
- 11.29.20 | John 12:12-19
- 12.6.20 | John 12:20-36
- 12.13.20 | John 12:37-50
- 12.20.20 | John 13
- 1.3.21 | John 14:1-7
- 1.10.21 | John 14:8-31
- 1.17.21 | John 15:1-7
- 1.24.21 | John 15:18-27
- 1.31.21 | John 16:1-15
- 2.7.21 | John 16:16-33
- 2.14.21 | John 17:1-5
- 2.21.21 | John 17:6-26
- 2.28.21 | John 18:1-14
- 3.7.21 | John 18:15-18 & 25-27
- 3.14.21 | John 18:19-24
- 3.21.21 | John 18:28-40
- 3.28.21 | John 19
- 4.4.21 | Easter
- 4.11.21 | John 20:11-18
- 4.18.21 | John 21:15-25
Latest Series: John Pt. 2

11.8.20 | John 11:1-44
Rod VanSolkema
Sermon Application Questions
Read John 11:1-44
Have you ever listened to the lie that when something painful causes you to suffer that it means that God doesn’t love you? Describe this time in your life and how you got through it.
Why do some of us not speak to people about the resurrection offered now and in the future? How can each of us do this with those God has put in our lives?
Rod said that the one that loves the most suffers the most. Do you know how much Jesus loves you given what he has suffered for you? How can this become more of a reality in the day to day of your life?
When something is painful and causes you to suffer, is your reaction more like Mary or Martha?