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Latest Series: Kingdom Come

02.26.23 | Mark 14:10-21, 27-28

Daniel (DanMike) Thompson

Date: February 26, 2023

Category: Message

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Sermon Application Questions

Read Mark 4: 12–21
As you read this short passage aloud, each time you mention something that Jesus’ knows before it happens stop and make note of it.

How does it make you feel to know that Jesus knows EVERYTHING?

In spite of acknowledging that Jesus does know everything, what do I think I know better than Jesus? Why do I think that?

We often condemn the disciples for the ways in which they betray Jesus, but how do I betray Jesus?

In the past, how have I choked out what God wants me to do? Why do we do that?

When I recognize that I have choked (or am choking) out what God wants me to do, what should be my next steps?

What are some tangible ways that I can use these forty days of Lent to grow deeper roots, a stronger relationship with our friend and king, Jesus?

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM