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Latest Series: Kingdom Come

10.23.22 | Mark 10:17-31

Rod VanSolkema

Date: October 23, 2022

Category: Message

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 41:20 - 94.6MB)

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Sermon Application Questions

A disciple has left everything behind to follow Jesus. Are you a disciple?

How do you receive eternal life? What does Jesus say?

How do you respond when someone says to you "You lack ____."?
How does your response change if it is a stranger vs your best friend?

Everyone treasures something. We long to fill ourselves with something from this world. Jesus says to the rich young ruler that I, Jesus, need to be what you treasure. Are you willing to admit we treasure something above Jesus?

Jesus wants our heart. Who or what is the Lord of our heart?

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM