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Latest Series: Kingdom Come

03.06.22 | Mark 4:21-34

Rod VanSolkema

Date: March 6, 2022

Category: Message

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 43:05 - 98.6MB)

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Sermon Application Questions

Please read Mark 4:30-34. Why did Jesus use the parable of the mustard seed to explain what the Kingdom of Heaven is like?

Rod talked about what it means to live under a king where you bow down, give up your sword, and offer your total allegiance. Since Jesus is the King in the Kingdom of Heaven, what does it look like for you to live in the truth of Him being your King?

Rod talked about Jesus' Kingdom turning the values of our world and turning them upside down, because Jesus and His Kingdom is about the small and the weak. Jesus modeled what it means to be small and weak during His time on earth from his birth to his death. How are you striving to be a part of Jesus Kingdom by going small and being weak?

Rod mentioned that, in times when we are telling Jesus that we have our lives under control, we need to humble ourselves—or make ourselves low—and lift up Jesus as our King. At other times, we know we are low and need Jesus to lift us up. Are there times that you have experienced one of these realities? How did Jesus minister to you during these times?

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM