Explore Sermons
- 01.02.22 | Mark 1:1-13
- 01.09.22 | Mark 1:14-20
- 01.16.22 | Mark 1:21-45
- 01.23.22 | Mark 2:1-12
- 01.30.22 | Mark 2:13-22
- 02.06.22 | Mark 2:23-3-:1-6
- 02.13.22 | Mark 3:7-19
- 02.20.22 | Mark 3:20-35
- 02.27.22 | Mark 4:1-20
- 03.06.22 | Mark 4:21-34
- 03.13.22| Mark 4:35-41; Mark 6:45-56
- 3.21.22 | Mark 5:1-20
- 3.27.22 | Mark 5:21-43
- 4.3.22 | Mark 6:1-13
- 4.10.22 | Mark 6:14-29
- 4.17.22 | Easter Sunday
- 4.24.22 | Mark 6:30-42
- 5.01.22 | Mark 7:1-23
- 05.08.22 | Mark 7:24-30
- 5.15.22 | Mark 7:31-37
- 5.22.22 | Mark 8:1-26
- 5.29.22 | Mark 8:27-38
- 9.18.22 | Mark 9:2-13
- 9.25.22 | Mark 9:14-29
- 10.2.22 | Mark 9:30-37
- 10.9.22 | Mark 9:38-50
- 10.16.22 | Mark 10:1-16
- 10.23.22 | Mark 10:17-31
- 10.30.22 | Mark 10:32-45
- 11.6.22 | Mark 10:46-52
- 11.13.22 | Mark 11:1-11
- 11.20.22 | Mark 11:12-25
- 01.08.23 | Mark 12:1–12
- 1.15.23 | Mark 12:13-17
- 01.22.23 | Mark 12:18-27
- 01.29.23 | Mark 12:28-37
- 02.05.23 | Mark 12:38-44
- 02.12.23 | Mark 13
- 02.19.23 | Mark 14:1-9
- 02.26.23 | Mark 14:10-21, 27-28
- 03.05.23 | Mark 14:22-31
- 03.12.23 | Mark 14:32-42
- 03.19.23 | Mark 14:43-52
- 03.26.23 | Mark 14:53-72
- 04.02.23 | Mark 15:1-15
- 04.09.23 | Mark 16:1-8
Latest Series: Kingdom Come
1.15.23 | Mark 12:13-17
Daniel (DanMike) Thompson
Sermon Application Questions
Read Mark 12:13-17:
Who are Pharisees? Herodians? Zealots? Sadducees?
How would each group answer the question "should we pay the tax?" Why?
What does it mean to be in the image of God?
What image are you being shaped by and into?
Are you like the religious leaders? Are you bearing the image of power? When was a time you were more concerned with dominating than loving? Give the idol of power back to Caesar.
Are you like the Herodians? Do you compromise the image of God by also being the image of the world? Do you enjoy the comforts of the world even when it might be against what you believe about God?