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Latest Series: Kingdom Come

4.3.22 | Mark 6:1-13

Rod VanSolkema

Date: April 3, 2022

Category: Message

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 49:41 - 113.7MB)

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Sermon Application Questions
Read Mark 6:1-6

Rod said, "The real Jesus always offends." What did this statement mean? How have you seen this in your life or the life of others?

In what ways do people make Jesus "nice"? How have you seen this in your life or the life of others?

Rod said that Jesus demonstrates his power through weakness which plays out by the church rejecting celebrity and being ordinary. What does it mean for you to live out a life of mundane faithfulness?

Read Mark 6:7-13

A major part of Jesus' mission is calling disciples who have a passion to walk like He walked.

First of all, this means to repent by leaving your old life and turn to Jesus and offer him all of your life. What has this looked like in your life?

After repenting, Rod mentioned two ways of living as a disciple which involves loving the Word and living it out. as well as being a person of prayer. How has the Word and prayer impacted your life as a disciple of Jesus?

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM