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Latest Series: Kingdom Come

4.17.22 | Easter Sunday

Rod VanSolkema

Date: April 17, 2022

Category: Message

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Sermon Application Questions

Read Romans 8:18-30
The Bible teaches us that God is working all things to our future glory He has for us. Rod described this God is morphing us for future glory.
Our example is Jesus, who at the cross suffered as He was abandoned by His Father and everyone else.

  • Describe the glorified Jesus in Rev 1. What is John’s response?
  • Describe the glorified Jesus in Revelation 5.

How is He described? How is this part of His glory?

Rod said our sin, failures and mistakes is what God uses to morph us into something greater - our glory. When we suffer we look to Jesus and become like Jesus.
What path to glory are you walking: the world’s or Jesus? What are the differences in walking each path?

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM