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Latest Series: Kingdom Come

9.25.22 | Mark 9:14-29

Rod VanSolkema

Date: September 25, 2022

Category: Message

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 45:29 - 104.1MB)

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Sermon Application Questions

Rod talked about the fact that, when we become a Christian, we sign up for spiritual transformation:
How do we get spiritually transformed?
Do we even want to change?

Rod said change begins when we seek His face, when we go up to the mountain to see the glory of God.
Does that describe your life? Do we go to God to seek his glory in times of trouble/depression/hardship? Do we take it to the mountain?

Rod said our deepest human desire is for God and if we don't know this we will be dissatisfied with the church, with relationships, with everything...the solution, he said is to admit to God that you don't know him or that you want to know him more. Asking him to transform you.
How do you know if you are seeking God with all your heart?
Rod said that without regular mountaintop experiences we will never change.
Do you think this is true? why?

In verse 29, Jesus talks about prayer being the avenue to cast the demons out. Rod said that when we engage a fallen and broken world through prayer it changes things:
Do you, as Rod said, give yourself relentlessly to prayer? Rod said prayer changes the world but it also changes us, how have you seen prayer change your life/heart?

Why did Jesus leave the mountain of transfiguration for the mount of calvary?
What does this mean for us?
How do we become transfigured?

Sundays: 8:45 & 10:45 AM